Friday, December 17, 2010


GMAT consists of 3 parts: Essay, Quantitative Ability, Verbal Ability

Essay: To get a 6/6 in essay is as easy as memorizing baba black sheep.
Learn the typical format readily available in the net and you can sail through.

Quantitative Ability: Doing well ( ie to score a 51/51 or even more) in the quant section of GMAT requires lot of practice especially of the Data sufficiency questions. A solid base in Number Theory, Algebra and Geometry is required. Students giving GMAT in India are overconfident of their maths skills. But being from IIT myself and having done plenty of maths in the last 7 years , I can firmly say it is not as easy as it is made out to be. If you are a beginner, start building your base in basic class 9-11 maths. If you are a maths graduate or come from a domain where maths skills are heavily utilised, doing the Official Guide quant section for 3-4 days should help.

Verbal Ability: This section forms the Achilles Heel for 99% of the test takers.
Questions in verbal ability are of 3 types:
Reading Comprehension, Sentence Correction, Logical Reasoning.
Follow the standard procedure for brushing up one's reading comprehension skills.
Learn each and every line and each and very rule of Manhattan Sentence Correction book. Practice heavily from the Official GMAT guides and spend considerable amount of time analysing your mistakes and understanding the logic and the rule behind every option in every question.
Logical Reasoning, go through the book, Powerscore Critical Reasoning Bible and solve the LSAT papers. Memorise the usual pattern of questions .Most questions in GMAT are very similiar and many come straight out of the Official Guide. So, reading the Offical Guides from cover to cover is the key behind success in GMAT.

Timeframe: It varies considerably. Minimum is 1 month. For the unlettered, it would probably be much more.

More posts are on the anvil....Keep following the blog to unravel further secrets


1. START EARLY: Start zooming in (read solving maths puzzles) from class 7.Sooner, you start better it is. Else harder you have to work in the later stages to reach the same destination.

2. WORK HARD: It is utmost essential to give one's best shot. The greater the deviation form your best shot, farther apart you will be from your goal.

3. SOLVE AND DON'T READ: It is essential to solve problems and not read the solution. Mind has to be churned and made tougher. Reading doesnt help, it only creates illusions of competence.

4. PRACTICE: Keep on Practicing....

5. DON'T DO SOCIAL NETWORKING: Keep away from Facebook, Gtalk and Orkut...Life is too long, the road to IIT isn't. Keep on working...Start running..